速報APP / 教育 / Highway Material Testing

Highway Material Testing





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本




Highway Material Testing(圖1)-速報App

Highway Material Testing & Quality Control

Highway Material Testing(圖2)-速報App

Here is the Android app to know about various tests & Quality inspection in Construction Of Highway & Bridges. We Provide step by step procedure of every test with necessary pictures. We include all tests for soil, aggregate, cement, fresh concrete, hardened concrete, bitumen.

Highway Material Testing(圖3)-速報App

The content in this app are as per indian standards. Content are written in simple language with necessary pictures of apparatus & Procedure. I hope this app will definately useful for you. Submit your reviews for this app. We will update this app on regular basis so that you can stay updated with us.

Highway Material Testing(圖4)-速報App

Thank You So much.

Highway Material Testing(圖5)-速報App


Highway Material Testing(圖6)-速報App